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WEBINAR: Mobilizing Faith to End Overdose and Anti-Blackness 2020 (1 ½ hours)
Mobilizing Faith to End Overdose and Anti-Blackness: part of Harm Reduction is Liberation- National Weekend of Action. Speakers: Reverend Edwin Sanders, Metro Interdenominational Church, Alexis Pleus, Truth Pharm, Reverend Dr. Orisha Bowers, Hep Connect Harm Reduction Coalition , Nathalia Gibbs, (moderator) Harm Reduction Coalition
Join Faith in Harm Reduction, Faith in Public Life, Urban Survivors Union, United Church of Christ and partners for a weekend of faithful reflection, education and action, August 20-23, 2020, as
we mobilize faith to end overdose and anti-blackness.
Speakers: Reverend Edwin Sanders, Metro Interdenominational Church, Alexis Pleus, Truth Pharm, Reverend Dr. Orisha Bowers, Hep Connect Harm Reduction Coalition , Nathalia Gibbs, (moderator) Harm Reduction Coalition

WEBINAR: Faith in Harm Reduction for a conversation on Overdose, Race, & Justice (July 30, 2020) ( 1 ½ hours)
Faith in Harm Reduction is launching its webinar series with a conversation on Overdose, Race, and Justice. Join us in conversation to explore these questions (and more!) and to plot a way forward which sees the end of overdose and anti-blackness and the realization of liberation for our loved ones.
Why is the harm reduction movement talking about overdose as a social justice issue, as a racial justice issue??
Why is harm reduction critical to fulfilling the promise of health, wholeness, and freedom for Black and Indigenous people and other People of Color who use drugs?
What do our responses to overdose and substance use, in policy and practice, reveal about the treatment of Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color?
What might liberation from overdose and anti-blackness look like for our communities, and how do we get there?
Speakers include:
☀️Reverend Dr. Orisha Bowers—Harm Reduction Coalition and Orixa Healing Arts Wellness and Spiritual Center
☀️Monique Tula—Harm Reduction Coalition
☀️Kassandra Frederique—Drug Policy Alliance
☀️Marilyn Reyes—Faith in Harm Reduction and Peer Network of New York

WEBINAR: Harm Reduction and the Black Church (Faith in Harm Reduction Roundtable Series) ( 1 hour 36 minutes)
The first Faith in Harm Reduction Roundtable event focuses on Harm Reduction and the Black Church, featuring guest speakers Rev. Dr. Earle Fisher (Abyssinian Missionary Baptist Church), Cherisse Scott (SisterReach), Jawanza Williams (VOCAL-NY), and Hiawatha Collins (NHRC) with facilitation by Dr. Orisha Bowers (NHRC). www.faithinharmreduction.org
WEBINAR: A Follow-Up Event on Racial Inequities in Overdose Deaths in the St. Louis Region 12.7.20 ( 1hour 52 minutes)
On December 3rd, 2020 our panel of community experts discussed current efforts and progress to address racial inequities amidst the overdose crisis and provided tangible action items for community members to meaningfully engage in this work. Speakers: - Dr. LJ Punch and Marcus Hunt (The T) - Pastor Pamela Paul (Community Faith Leader) - Wardell Carter (West End Clinic) - Riisa Easley (Regional Health Commission) - Mark Stringer (MO Dept. of Mental Health)
WEBINAR: Addressing Racial Equity in Overdose Prevention 2020 (58 minutes)
Our country’s response to drug use—from supportive treatment policies to punitive sentencing practices—is highly racialized. Join the National Overdose Prevention Network (NOPN) for a panel discussion with leaders on how to address racial justice and a new path forward. Presenters:
Kimá Joy Taylor, MD, Founder, Anka Consulting, LLC
Herminia Ledesma, MPH, Program Manager, Outreach & Migrant Health, Health Promotion Center, VISTA Community Clinic
Hannah Youngdeer, MPH, Public Health Program Coordinator, California Consortium for Urban Indian Health
Moderator: Carmen Rita Nevarez, MD, MPH
WEBINAR: Addressing Racial Disparities in Overdose Deaths in San Francisco (2 hours 39 minutes)
SF Behavioral Health Services (vimeo.com) Recorded May 19, 2021
San Francisco is in an epidemic of overdose deaths. 699 people died due to overdoses in 2020, a 59% rise from 2019,and more than three times the number of people that died of COVID-19 during the same period. Within the epidemic lies another, more hidden, racial epidemic. The rate of opioid deaths is five times higher for Black San Franciscans than for whites. Overdose rates for the Latinx community in San Francisco is nearly double their percentage in the population. This webinar will pull the lens back and examine the mechanisms of structural racism and white supremacy in society, medicine, and addiction treatment that underlie these deaths. It will examine innovative interventions that have involved the community in addressing the epidemic using harm reduction methods. Participants will hear from community activists, learn from their insights, and contribute to formulating plans that can save lives. Black Lives Matter!
•Felanie Castro, Opt-In Program Case Manager, HIV/HCV & Harm Reduction Programs, GLIDE Foundation Porsha Dixson, SRO Project Coordinator, National Harm Reduction Coalition
•Laura Guzman, JD, Sr. Dir. of California Programs, National Harm Reduction Coalition
•Helena Hansen, MD, PhD, Department of Psychiatry and Associate Director of our Center for Social Medicine and Humanities, UC Los Angeles
•Kelly Knight, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, UC San Francisco
•Roy Tidwell, Program Manager, HealthRIGHT360

WEBINAR: INPUD Media- METZINERES: Environments of Shelter for Womxn who Use Drugs Surviving Violences (15 minutes)
METZINERES is a peer-led organisation that organises communities of womxn who use drugs in Barcelona to provide safe environments for survivors of violence. They operate shelters to sleep in and wash clothes and safer spaces for consuming drugs, without the risk of infections and overdose deaths. They also offer psychosocial support for those who struggle with homelessness, mental health issues, and family problems, as well as putting on creative community activities, dance, yoga, cosmetics etc. to create a sense of community. METZINERES is more than a service provider – they are a community, with more than 300 members. Half of them are homeless, 30% have been imprisoned before. In this video hear from members of the organisation and learn how they conduct this critically important and impressive work despite the environment of repressive drug policies and police repression.

Article: The buddy system: How drug users became amateur medics in Canada’s opioid crisis (available as an article and 10 minute audio of the article)
WEBINAR: (Un)Safe 3.0 Shelter-Based Overdose Prevention, Safe Supply and Wrap-Around Supports. June 10, 2021 (1 HOUR 27 MINUTES)
Key activities: successes and challenges shared in this presentation and dialogue include: -Onsite overdose prevention sites in shelter settings via the Urgent Public Health Need Sites (UPHNS) exemption -Safe supply services -COVID-19 recovery services -Complimentary wrap-around health and social services