Harm Reduction Medicine, Abscesses, Safer Injecting, Stigma
Practicing Harm Reduction Medicine + Street Medicine

(2) OUR HARM REDUCTION STORIES: Working toward healthier outcomes - YouTube (11 minute video) Regent Park Community Health Centre It is well documented that people who use substances, experience barriers in accessing health care and social services due to stigma and discrimination. To raise awareness around this issue, in August 2013, Regent Park Community Health Centre received funding to create a 15 minute video on how harm reduction practices lead to better health outcomes. It is our hope that with this video the viewers will gain an understanding of: 1. What harm reduction is 2. How it is implemented by physicians, nurses, community workers and peer workers 3. How it positively impacts the overall health of those who are street involved (i.e. homeless/substance users/sex workers)

Communicating about Substance Use in Compassionate, Safe and Non-Stigmatizing Ways (Attached)
A Resource for Canadian Health Professional Organizations and their Membership (2019)

‘‘You’re Always Jumping Through Hoops’’: Journey Mapping the Care Experiences of Individuals With Opioid Use Disorder-associated Endocarditis
Benjamin Bearnot, MD, MPH and Julian A. Mitton, MD, MPH Objectives: Serious infectious complications of opioid use disorder
(OUD), and specifically endocarditis, are becoming more common in the US. Individuals with OUD-associated endocarditis require long periods of complex medical care, often face recurrent addiction- and infection-related complications, and have dismal clinical outcomes. The objective of this study was to perform journey mapping analysis to capture common trajectories and patterns of care for people with OUD-associated endocarditis.

Bevel Up Bevel Up: Drugs, Users and Outreach Nursing Bevel Up: Drugs, Users and Outreach Nursing is an educational kit (including a DVD with special features and a bilingual Teaching Guide) created to share knowledge not found in nursing schools and teaching hospitals. It shows how registered nurses working with the BC Centre for Disease Control's Street Nurse Program provide health care to the people living in the alleys and hotels of Vancouver's Downtown Eastside. Designed and produced by the street nurses themselves in collaboration with community members, Bevel Up offers instructors and students access to the experience of an entire community of health care practitioners who work with drug using populations. Here is the movie https://www.nfb.ca/film/bevel_up_drugs_users_and_outreach_nursing/
Here is the trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDZhVnR3HC8
Innovations in Nursing: A Perfect Match: Harm Reduction and Emergency Department Nursing (60 minutes)
Integrate harm reduction principles into nursing practice and use non-stigmatizing language that facilitates trust among patients. Learn how patient-centered language, harm reduction tools and naloxone distribution can save lives. WEBSITE: cabridge.org/trainings
Low Barrier Buprenorphine: Treatment Guide for People Experiencing Homelessness April 2021 webinar/training (attached slides) The webinar recording is here: https://vimeo.com/538734559
Speakers: Karah Cohen, Project Home; Barry Zevin, San Francisco Department of Public Health, Cheryl Ho, valley Homeless Healthcare Program, Joanna Eveland, San Francisco Department of Public Health
Medicine and Drug Use: What Can A Primary Care Provider Do? By LACHP and Dr. Phillip Coffin https://vimeo.com/89683732 In this video, prepared for the LA Community Health Project, Dr. Phillip Coffin gives a training for prescribers on medicine and drug use. It will cover the major medical sequelae of drug use & approaches prescribers can use to improve the health of drug using patients.
Overdose Resources
OD-PREP Knowledge Exchange Webinar Series Community Action Initiative Webinars (caibc.ca) (21) Now What? Brain Injury After Overdose - YouTube (1 hour 28 min) Over five years have passed since the Province declared a public health emergency. Still, rates of overdose and poisoning deaths continue to rise. Since then, 281, 950 take-home Naxolone kits have been distributed and 100, 787 have been used to reverse an overdose. Many deaths have been averted, but what remains unsaid and unseen is that people who overdosed and survived experienced respiratory depression, where their brains were restricted from receiving oxygen for variable amounts of time. Oxygen is essential to the human brain and a lack of it can cause damage and disability.Nanaimo Brain Injury Society has worked with individuals who have experienced respiratory depression and have seen first-hand the struggles that coincide. It is through this work that they and their community partners started asking what a response to people affected by brain injury and opioid overdose would look like if it was grounded in love? Intervention is needed for those affected by respiratory depression, but not all interventions are created equal nor do they directly improve brain function and quality of life. In this webinar, presenters discuss brain injury and after care, current health system responses, and the practice of shared vulnerability and trusting partnerships for healing and creating a foundation for a different kind of overdose and drug poisoning response.
Rescue breathing Video-- How to administer rescue breathing during an overdose - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGFieA8QC9A (5 minutes)
Narration and illustrations, to the point, step by step rescue breathing tutorial-- includes a person counting seconds for you “1,2,3,4,5 breathe” over and over again so even if you ARE alone responding- the guy in the video has your back and helps you keep track of breaths.
Abscesses and Wound Care Resources

Utilizing harm reduction to treat and prevent wounds which are common among people who use and inject drugs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1z3hQw0rc8&t=2s (7 ½ minutes)

Safer Injection Resources

Hitting Home: Safer Drug Injection for Hepatitis B & C Prevention (36 minutes- explicit- real life demo’s in real life situations of injecting--great for healthcare providers who have never seen the injecting process, want to learn about and have a tool to talk with people re: risk reduction practices)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLKRJr36S84 Chicago Recovery Alliance’s 2006 film offers a tutorial for people who inject and those who work to assist them in achieving “any positive change.” The film’s objective is to provide viewers with real-life examples of practical, realistic techniques for reducing the risk of acquiring and/or transmitting hepatitis B/C during the drug injection process. The film breaks the drug injection process into stages, or steps. For each step, we feature actual injections (heroin &/or crack cocaine) that demonstrate unsafe/high-risk technique followed by injections that show improved/lower risk technique. Ultimately this video is best used as a tool for drug injectors and harm reduction outreach workers to talk about and/or experiment with making the kinds of minor changes in drug injection technique that will yield large changes in personal and community health and wellbeing. The film also serves as a resource for health care providers who rarely, if ever, get to observe their drug injecting patients’ self-medicating practices in situ. Created in collaboration with Sawbuck Productions .
Safer Injecting: Vein Care Tips for People Who Use Injection Drugs – ANKORS INTRO